Saturday, April 28, 2012

Trick Photography and the Basic Matters You Ought to Know

Trick Photography and the Basic Matters You Ought to Know

With trick photography, you can manage to make a normal picture into something that is beyond simple and more attractive. Such breakthrough is an astounding chance for photographers for the reason that this gave them the opportunity to prove themselves as distinctive artists as well. You will notice how a photographer\'s task is indeed difficult because one cannot merely change the image that he desires to take. Nevertheless, artists who craft images from their own creative thinking will never have a hard time in making variations to these scenes. They even have the freedom to make use of various strategies so as to communicate to the public what they want to let them know. Since photographers have not been endowed with such opportunity, they now tend to go for the more intense shots so as more individuals can perceive them.

Because trick photography is now popular, these burdened photographers will never have to be anxious on these concerns anymore. They can shoot photographs that are not that extreme and still get noticed. It will be assured that the final outcome of the picture will be excellent, and there will be no damage to be incurred with the photographer\'s reputation.

The amount of money you have for this strategy will never be a cause of dilemma. You will not be requiring any modern pieces of technology or a studio for this. A digital camera, nice set of photography capabilities, as well as a brilliant mind are the only things that you must have in order to make those brilliant photos. You will even not be necessitating a very expensive digital camera, just as long as you are familiar with the settings it has.

It is important that you get yourself in the know with regards to the strategies of trick photography. You can seek assistance from someone who knows this strategy. Then, there are these self help books for you to read if you prefer learning on your own.

If you are a fast learner, then you will master trick photography in no time. You can now make wonderful pictures after you have learned its techniques. Just learn the trick photography fundamentals and you are good to go.

There are a lot of individuals who associate trick photography with something that only professionals are capable of doing. Upon seeing a picture that has been generated with trick photography strategies, you might actually believe that it will take you a few years before you can master such art. Since such photos come in complex styles, there are now several people who suppose that those were taken in a technologically advanced studio. Such images may be produced from studios, yet it is really not a necessity when you truly want to generate a trick photography picture.

TRX- Benefits of a Full-Body Workout

There are millions of people all around the world fed up with the traditional gym going and they expect some kind of equipment which fulfills their needs in an easier way. The TRX suspension training system is the one which helps them to achieve their dream structure and healthy body. If you are one of them, then it is very nice to know about the TRX suspension training system and its benefits.

The TRX suspension training system concentrates in the quality of the workout and not the quantity. The regular practice of the workout for short time duration reduces fat and the difference is seen in our body. The belly reduction is the first proof for the worth of the workout. Instead of purchasing the gym equipments the purchase of the TRX suspension training system is cheaper and will give greater benefits than the traditional workouts. The body muscle development is easily possible with the help of the system and the lean muscle is well trained and made powerful.

The fat reduction through the TRX suspension training system is very much easier because of the efficient workouts provided by the TRX manufacturers. The workouts are formulated after greater research and testing with several people. The TRX suspension training system is first made for the practice of navy seals and they are now modified for the common people. It just takes a few weeks of time to reduce your fat if you purchase a TRX suspension training system and start practicing the workouts.

The next benefit of the TRX suspension training system is that it boosts the cardiovascular system of our body. That is more important for the health of our heart to get rid of the serious illness like hypertension, heart attack or atherosclerosis etc. Regular practice of the workouts in the TRX suspension training system prevents all the heart problems and makes our body healthy. There are several TRX kits that contain original and innovative tools formulated for everyone\'s needs like Force kit, Pro kit and others. There will be manual and DVDs available for the customers to perform the workouts all by themselves.

Totally the TRX suspension training system is unique and effective for all sorts of people. It suits for women, children and old age people too. It satisfies the expectation of military men along with persons with physical disorders. It would be the wise decision to choose to buy the TRX suspension system 


How to achieve well being

There are various theories and views as to whether man has been born good or bad. But whatever the beginning was, the truth is that there is still goodness inside every person. You may be born good, or bad but you certainly have even just a pinch of goodness in you.

Everyone certainly has goodness inside them. Each person has a sense of what is empathy and how to relate to the feelings and emotions of others. This is a good sign of health and wellness.

Living healthy does not only involve the physical. You also have to be emotionally and spiritually healthy. And keeping these things healthy would need some effort from you. Here are some tips on how to keep goodness and well-being:

1. Reach out-improve your relationships with the people around you. Try to be a part of a community. It gives you a sense of belongingess. It also gives you a deeper understanding of what is empathy.

2. Share-giving and helping is something that gives us a deep sense of satisfaction. From big acts of volunteerism to simple acts of helping a friend cheer up can make you feel a lot better. these gestures allow you to see and appreciate yourself both on the inside and the outside.

3. Learn-as you continue to live you have to continue to learn. Try to learn new skills or activities. You should try some new interests or hobbies. Most of all learn to correct your mistakes and improve on your weaknesses.

4. Be Active-keep on moving. Exercise is not just good for physical health but mental health as well. It gives you more energy and increases production of happy hormones which makes you feel a whole lot better.

5. Appreciate beauty-go out and see the world. Aprreciate what's there in your surroundings. fill yourself and your surroundings with beautiful things like pictures of flowers. This helps you feel refreshed and more relaxed.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Success Equals Attitude

"Success Equals Attitude"," It is attributed to ignorance, and as such demands attitude adjustment or modification.
 Bad attitude drives individuals away from their own fellow individuals.
 Individuals have control of their attitude, and the only thing they can change or modify is that attitude.
 It is a matter of economics, and it is all about making choices.
 They are short-sighted strategies, and therefore are always doomed for failure, but might just be okay for individuals, who settle for less.
 Most individuals assume that they can get away by burning bridges behind them, after they have crossed those same bridges.

Good attitude involves learning simple curtsies on how to act and behave.
 On the other hand, bad attitude may also, repel an individual from a dream job, as well as lead to an employer letting go of an individual in form of being fired, dismissed, or terminated.

Bad attitude is often common among individuals:

(a) who do not have respect or regards for others,

(b) who are rude, surly, insulting, negative,

(c) who are gossipy, sarcastic, unhappy, insecure, and

(d) who always find it difficult to say that they are sorry.
 An example of exhibiting a good and positive attitude will be; seeing someone's achievement, believing that it is real, congratulating that individual, embracing the achievement for what it is worth and not envying the individual, being happy for the individual's achievement, and then requesting for help on how we can be helped to achieve success from there.

Individuals lose the chance of a life time when they turn away from success due to their bad attitude and bad behavior.
 It is not suppose to be that way.
 Individuals are bred by parents, who teach them the difference between right and wrong, and when they are out of their parents' sight or environment, they make friends and learn through their association with good and/or bad friends.
 Bad attitude embraced at a younger age is sometimes difficult to change, and that drives bad behavior.


Poker - So Many Ways to Play and Now So Many Places

"Poker - So Many Ways to Play and Now So Many Places!"," That was the advertisement for the famous 1975 Stephen Spielberg film Jaws and one could argue they are about to be a few more sharks at sea.
 The Ladbrokes cruise will set sail from Fort Lauderdale, Florida stopping off at three different 'exotic' locations before returning to shore on the 29th of January.
 Entry to this festival of poker can be either bought or won.
 Also many other poker based events to keep all manner and level of poker player occupied for this eight day event.
 Putting the glitz and glam of this event to one side, one has to accept this event as yet another example of just how popular and accessible poker is.
 Given this event is now in its fourth year and with the backing of bookmakers Ladbrokes one can assume the previous events have been a success.

Sir Richard Branson is about to embark on the first commercial space flights with the birth of Virgin Galaxy.

Now is this another opportunity presenting itself to promote the great game of poker.

Is it possible that one day we could witness the first intergalactic poker tournament.
 I am sure though whichever entrepreneur chooses to follow this venture will have many issues to deal with.
 The game can quiet literally be played anywhere, how comfortable the settings in which the game is played is another issue.
 It wouldn't surprise me as being human we are very quick to dismiss most new forward thinking ideas, that may challenge the normal way of doing things.
 It is game which mirrors real life and business as it requires forward thinking, luck, chance and to an extent, innovation.
 This should be an inspiration to all budding entrepreneurs / poker players.
 However I do believe I know a good idea when I see one and I am happy to give that idea recognition when deserved.
 The only way to sail towards calmer shores is through our thinkers, opportunists and gamblers.

I therefore say to all those sailing on the Oasis of the Seas and taking part in the Ladbrokes Poker Cruise IV, 'May God Bless Her And All Who Sail On Her'.



Redefining Success - Your Health and Happiness Depend On It

"Redefining Success - Your Health and Happiness Depend On It"," As men we heard our parents say, ""So and so is very successful, you should see the car he just bought.
"" When we were in school success was measured by our Grade Point Average.
 Our success was to be measured by some objective criteria: grades, money, power (power is often money), or possessions.
 I further suggest that to adhere to such a narrow definition of success is harmful to our mental health and can be destructive to a society.
"" Donald Trump, Michael Milken, Charles Keating, Donald Spiegel, to mention a few, all wanted to be successful.
 We revered these people because they amassed large fortunes.
 We didn't concern ourselves with their values, their morals, their attitudes.
 These people, and others like them, became the models of success.
 In previous generations we identified with various leaders, such as presidents, politicians, heads of corporations, and the like.
 A president was impeached, senators were found guilty of graft, the head of the FBI was corrupt and abused his power, corporate heads were found guilty of fraud and embezzlement.
 For men, this leaves a vacuum of idols.
 Even our sports heroes, in their quest for material gain or power, have been found guilty of unethical and illegal behavior.
 Where are men to turn for their models? What values should these models have? What are the appropriate criteria for a model of success?

By contrast, contemporary women have a great many models with whom to identify.
 By emulating men, women will end up in the same place that men have ended up.
"" Such stress related illness as ulcers, hypertension, heart disease, as well as addictions to alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes, all of which have been traditionally male problems, are becoming increasingly common in women.
 The stress of trying to live up to external standards of success and achievement in an overly competitive world is one of the primary stresses of contemporary life.

Defining oneself by external standards such as material goods, status, wealth, income, and the size of one's home leaves us vulnerable to stress, since we are always concerned with losing these attainments.
 We have no control over whether we will lose our job due to cutbacks, lose our wealth due to stock market crashes or recession, or lose our clients, patients, or customers.
 We are all born with a certain set of genetically determined, biological givens.
 Picture a series of concentric circles moving from a small circle in the center to increasingly larger circles as you move outward, similar to a bull's-eye.
 attitudes, values, & beliefs

If your identity is based on your finances or career, for example, you have less control than those who define themselves by their attitudes and beliefs.
 If, on the other hand, you define yourself by the good deeds you do or by your values, no one can take these away and your self concept will remain constant.
 Once they retire, by choice or otherwise, or lose their job through economic changes, these individuals often feel at a loss.

Rather than the definition being defined by society, this alternative point of view suggests that we should define success according to the degree to which we achieve our own balance of priorities.
 If we define success as solely based on financial achievement, for example, our self image will go up and down at the whim of the economy.
 One was made out of solid sponge rubber and it was virtually indestructible.
 The other ball was hollow, but a very high bouncer, and hence the ball of choice.
 The mortality rate for the hollow ball was very high.

Self concept and Success

There are two issues here: one has to do with having greater control over our self concept, and the other relates to a new definition of success. 
, we have more control since these are less affected by contingency than finance and career.
 We might consider this as having an ""inner directedness"" rather than an ""outer directedness.
 On the other hand, a self concept based on outer directedness leaves us with a hollow core and less able to deal with adversity.
 We have control over our self concept since we can take action that directly affects how we feel about ourselves.
 We can control the extent to which we live up to our values, we can strive toward accomplishing our goals, we can make a contribution to our community, we can take care of our bodies and our minds, we can develop a social and spiritual consciousness that keeps us connected to the world around us, and we can develop hobbies and interests that enrich our lives.
 Our jobs do not define us.
 If you define yourself narrowly you will be more vulnerable to depression and anxiety.
 If your self concept is based on your career then retirement will be difficult since you will lose the basis of your identity.
 It takes time and effort.
 Our concept of self begins to develop during childhood and is resistant to change.
 Society contributes to our self concept when it defines boys as potential fathers and workers, and girls as mothers and homemakers, and when it defines success in terms of wealth, power, and accomplishment.

In order to change our self concept we have to take charge of our life.
 Your success depends on how you balance your priorities.
 Most of us have never given it a moment's thought--we merely accepted what was handed to us.




"Roy's Hawaiian Fusion Restaurant in Bonita Springs, Florida"

"Roy's Hawaiian Fusion Restaurant in Bonita Springs, Florida"," For over eight years Roy's restaurant has been one of the premier destinations for special event dining in Southwest Florida. Engagements. Graduations. Whether you're welcoming someone home, sending someone off, celebrating your last day of a Florida vacation, or just want an all-around exceptional meal. I decided to pay a visit to see if they were still rightfully honoring their longstanding traditions of carefully honed hospitality and cutting edge cuisine. For those who don't know, the James Beard Awards are often called the ""Oscars of Food"". His menu combines the freshest local ingredients with European sauces and bold Asian spices, always with an emphasis on seafood. The New York Times referred to Roy Yamaguchi as the ""Wolfgang Puck of the Pacific"". Yamaguchi is now regarded as a pioneer who mastered a distinctive style, which brought his cooking to the forefront of contemporary gastronomy. The Roy's I was visiting is located right in front of Bonita Bay US 41 in Bonita Springs. There is a small Roy's sign, but US 41 is an active road, and the sign is hard to see. The parking lot near Roy's was full, always a good sign during the slow season in Southwest Florida. The Mediterranean-influenced architecture, ample tropical landscaping, and notable water features put us in a South Florida frame of mind. When it was time for our reservation, we headed back towards the restaurant. A smiling member of the host staff opened the door for us as we approached, and gave us an enthusiastic ""Aloha"" for a greeting. We gave our name and were briskly whisked away towards our table. The booth request we made was honored. He is instantly recognizable. His inspired arrangement of ingredients creates buzz and influences the menus of other local restaurants. He also hosts well-attended cooking classes at Roy's, teaching Hawaiian Fusion fundamentals, on a regular basis. Sushi was dutifully prepared at one station, while grills and ovens were being tended to in another. In the center position, orchestrating all the action and finishing each plate with colorful sauces, fresh micro greens, and other exotic flourishes, stood Chef Wade Lowe. At just the moment most restaurants normally greet me with a few lackluster pieces of bread and tin-foil wrapped butter, Roy's blasted all common dining expectations out of the water by presenting our table with a colorful bowl of freshly steamed edamame. Roy's seasons the soy beans with an addictive, and slightly spicy, blend of sea salt, Shichimi Togarashi and sugar. It was a unique and exotic way to begin our meal, and a sign that we were truly on a gastronomic road less traveled. We both ordered a glass of Au Bon Climat Roy's Label Chardonnay . After an appropriate duration, our server returned and gave us a full explanation of the menu. Some were exotic Hawaiian species, such as the Opakapaka and Lehi. In addition to the seafood, there were several enticing meat dishes. We asked for a few minutes to continue perusing the menu. The interior of Roy's restaurant in Bonita Springs is tastefully decorated and as innovative as their food. One section of the ceiling yields to an even higher cupola lined with bright pottery precariously balanced. The light is ambiance low, but bright enough to read the menus. All the tables around us were full, but the restaurant did not feel crowded. Older teens on dates, trendy twenty-somethings enjoying cutting edge cuisine, parents with well-behaved children, senior citizens, businessmen, and full families celebrating special occasions all surrounded us. When our menus were closed in front of us, our server returned to take our order. The first was a Nori Seared Ahi Tuna finished with a Peanut Ginger Soy Vinaigrette. We ordered a split salad, the Mixed Field Greens House Salad. I opted for the Teppanyaki Seared U-10 Scallops and Butter Seared Tiger Shrimp, also known as the Shellfish Combo. Chopsticks were offered, and we were politely asked to enjoy our selections. The tuna itself, served rare by default, was coated with furikake and sesame seeds. Garnished with sliced ginger, shredded scallions, and bright red tobiko (flying fish roe), the tuna was served over a small bed of white rice. The tobiko served as a functional garnish, adding another layer of complexity to the appetizer, complete with a smoky, salty taste and crunchy texture. A perfect appetizer to share, there were two spring rolls, chopped in half, arranged tower-like in the center of a swirling neon sea of Pineapple Black Bean Dragon Sauce. The interior was comprised of baked chicken, bok choy, Napa cabbage and glass noodles. As the ""dragon"" in the name implies, there is a pleasant, warming zip to the mouthfeel of the sauce. Our Mixed Field Greens House Salad arrived split onto two separate plates, as we had requested. In a world where soggy lettuce and tired Italian dressings reign supreme, this boldly executed creation far exceeded our expectations. Layers of texture. Impeccable. Before the main courses arrived, the server described several warm dessert options and told us we'd need to order them in advance, as they took twenty minutes to cook. The server also asked if we'd enjoy some wine with dinner. My guest ordered a Roy's Label Laurel Glen Desolation Cabernet Sauvignon from Sonoma. The Ali'i, or Hawaiian Royalty, wine choices are marked with a small crown next to the wine name, which indicates wines of distinct character and flavor, rarely available by the glass. The timing was perfect. The wines were identified as they were placed before us. My guest's Roys Original Macadamia Nut Crusted Mahimahi satisfied. Served atop some roasted bliss potatoes and sauteed asparagus, and surrounded by a signature swish of Maine Lobster Cognac Cream Sauce, this dish is a perfect example of Hawaiian Fusion cooking at it's finest. The mahimahi flesh was milk white. Roy's food always looks great. My Shellfish Combo was picture perfect. The arrangement looked intricate and handsome to the point where I almost regretted having to disassemble and eat it. The scallops were caramelized on top, but gave easy to the fork. Succulent. Excellent shellfish variety and complex flavors were delivered with each bite. Desserts, with candles and personalized messages written in chocolate, were tactfully presented to the guests of honor. Rest assured, your cherished dates and important moments will always be delicately handled by the capable staff at Roy's. The Pineapple Upside Down Cake is something of a sleeper hit among Roy's regulars. The Pineapple Upside Down Cake eaters are more apt to order and enjoy their dessert in quiet confidence. Chocolate may be sexy. And the taste sensation of that molten chocolate center paired with slowly melting vanilla bean ice cream may increase serotonin levels in the brain and act as an aphrodisiac. BUT. Call me a purist, but that merging of caramelized pineapple sugars and coconut ice cream resonates somewhere deep within me, whisking me away with visions of tropical, swaying palms and soaring, splashing waterfalls. I wholeheartedly assign Roy's Hawaiian Fusion of Bonita Springs my highest recommendation. Full of personality, and well-versed in the nuances of fine dining etiquette, their product knowledge and ability to create a magical dining experience burst forth effortlessly. The food was to die for and the service was exquisite. . THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND  

"My Secret Paradise"

"My Secret Paradise"," When I met Merilyn to hear about her Nordic adventures, she spoke about Bergen and Norway with such passion and excitement that I understood this place is very special to her. How did you first decide to visit Norway? 'During my design studies in San Francisco, I got to know a Norwegian graphic designer who invited me to visit him and his family in Bergen and celebrate Christmas there in 2005. I was also very excited about having a white Christmas for the first time in my life'. Since she stayed with a local family, she got to experience the real Norwegian culture and customs. The first times I heard people speaking, I thought it sounded like they were singing!' She has been able to learn the basics of the language quite well and impressed me with some very well pronounced sentences. (The population is only 250,000) Everything is within walking distance and not spread out like in other cities. Merilyn points out how colorful the houses are and how this helps brighten up the dark winter months. The windows can be seen as framed pictures or paintings'. Her favorite time of the year is definitely spring. It is so beautiful to see the lake lined with pink cherry blossoms and to smell fresh flowers that grow everywhere. Bergen International Festival is one of the events, which consists of music, dance and theatre performances happening all over the city, and also in unexpected places. Spring is also a great time for hiking in Bergen and exploring the seven mountains that surround the city. This event has become a popular attraction and involves a 35 km trek with a total ascent of 2,300 meters. Another popular hiking activity is climbing the 801 steps of Stoltzekleiven, which is a path up one of the mountains called Sandviken. The current record is 8 minutes and 13 seconds! Never-ending summer days The main tourist season in Bergen is during the summer months of June, July and August, when the city can become quite crowded by travelers. Amazing seafood and exotic meats One of Merilyn's best memories from summer in Norway was staying at a friend's cabin on a small island near Bergen called Upsøy. 'It was so fresh and tasty', I've never had fish that tasted so good' she says. They are very different from the Asian variety as they have a stronger fish flavor and are therefore tastier. Other Norwegian dishes that Merilyn has tried include elk and reindeer. There is also the brown cheese ('Brunost') which has such rich flavor that you can simply eat it on its own or on plain bread. The rain Bergen is the place where it rains most in Norway, which is a nuisance to many people. Merilyn however, has no complaints about the weather. She fondly recalls watching small children dressed in their cute rain coats, playing with the puddles on the streets. 'They know how to dress to cope with the wet conditions and sometimes freezing temperatures'. They work with nature instead of against it, and make sure that buildings and houses blend in with the surroundings. Standard office hours are usually from 8am to 4pm which means that people have more time to spend with their families. She adds that the Norwegians like to party hard as well; 'It was fun to watch all the lively people during weekend nights as they were drinking and enjoying themselves in the bars. There is a good range of places to choose from such as casual cafes, wine bars, clubs and places with live music (see Merilyn's recommendations for more details) My secret paradise Merilyn likes to think of Bergen as her own secret paradise, since not many people she knows have been there and it is not a common travel destination from Singapore. 'If you like mountain hiking and appreciate fresh air and cooler weather, you will definitely enjoy Bergen and its breathtaking natural scenery'. bergen-guide. This tram takes you to the top of the highest mountain 'Ulriken', where you'll get a great view of the city. This was the home of the famous composer Grieg which is now made into a museum The Fish Market and Bryggen in Bergen. Street address Olav Kyrres gate 33 Havfruens Hemmelighet. Street address: Skostredet 12 Godt Brød- bakery serving fresh, delicious sandwiches with whole meal bread Skostredet 12 and Vestre Torggaten 2, Kjøttbasaren - new café with wonderful sandwiches and cakes Street address Vetrlidsallmenningen 2 Upscale restaurants: Bølgen og Moi Lysverket - located at Bergen Art Museum Street address: Rasmus Meyers allé 9 Kafe Krystall - only by appointment Street address Kong Oscars gate 16 Søt+Salt - you're basically sitting in the kitchen while the chef makes food for you Street address Villa Skjoldnes, Skostredet To Kokker - located at Bryggen in truly old surroundings Street address Bryggen 29 Places for drinking: Landmark - a cafe by day and bar by night. Street address Rasmus Meyers Allé 3 and 7 (In the Bergen Art Museum) Kafe Kippers - Great place to have drinks and watch the sunset in the summer. Street address: Strandgaten 81, Hulen - an old bunker in the mountain which is now used for concerts. Visitors can appreciate art from the Renaissance to the contemporary era) Festivals Bergen Fest: 28th April - 2nd May. 


This job could be for you


A Complete Avant Home Business Review

Before you decide to jump into the Avant home business opportunity, there are some things you should know first. This post is designed to be a complete Avant review and will give you an overview of the system, the benefits, the pro's and con's and what exactly to expect if you decide to become a member. By the end of this review, you will be well equipped to make an informed decision should you decide to join the Avant business opportunity.
What makes the Avant home business opportunity stand out from the pack?
Network marketing can be a very powerful and lucrative business solution, but let's face it, there are often unforeseen issues that arise for the bright-eyed newcomer and seasoned veteran alike after jumping into many of today's leading network marketing opportunities. These issues end up resulting in a low average of people that successfully turn their new business venture into a full-time to multiple six-figure income and beyond.
Problems plaguing the traditional network marketer include low compensation on products as well as a low earning potential and poor residual income without a massive down line. Building a successful business usually involves a two to five year plan of consistent effort and growth before any real significant income is generated. Other prominent issues involve a general lack of company training or successful duplication for new business partners along with high attrition rates, consistent monthly auto-ship fees and company products that stack up in your closet. These problems can eventually add up to frustration and ultimate failure for all those without a strong resolve.
The Avant home business opportunity seeks to solve these industry-wide issues by providing a simple, yet powerful new system that has sidestepped many of the traditional problems in network marketing while turning heads and getting some amazing results.
What exactly is the Avant Home Business?
The word "Avant" comes from the Latin translation of the word "Abante" meaning "from before" or more literally translated as "progressive" or "foreword thinking". The Scottsdale Arizona based Avant company was founded in February 2010, just two short years ago. Avant has quickly become a recognized leader as a personal development, direct selling firm in the network marketing industry. Now located in 37 countries and growing, the Avant business opportunity has been rapidly gaining momentum and has emerged as the worlds premier top-tier direct sales home business opportunity.
Avant brings together all the most vital components for success necessary in any direct sales home business opportunity. It has successfully integrated the huge market of personal development with the publics insatiable appetite for the direct sales, top-tier type of business model. Labeled the "global awareness company", otherwise known as "We Are Avant", or more simply Avant. With firm roots in the personal development niche, the Avant home business is dedicated to providing inspired and practical educational programs for personal development along with a very lucrative and personally fulfilling income opportunity.
Who are the leaders behind the Avant home business opportunity?
Brent Payne
The story of the Avant business opportunity begins with Brent Payne, the founder and CEO of Avant. Brent Payne began his career in the network marketing trenches selling discount travel packages and has since gone on to become a legend in the industry. After several years as a successful consultant, he went on to form Liberty League International with business partner Shane Krider. Liberty League became extremely successful in the personal development direct sales niche, in fact, at the time, Liberty League was the most successful top-tier opportunity in the history of the home business industry.
Brent Payne eventually parted ways with Liberty League after several years to pursue his own more personal interests and spent the next year setting the foundation for the Avant home business opportunity. Brent Payne has been inspired for well over a decade to bring together the most powerful, leading-edge techniques available to help unlock anyone's inner potential and aid in their long-term success. Combining professional business sense with an innate passion for making a positive difference, Brent Payne has brought to life his vision of building a powerful movement and community of people committed to integrity and positive social change.
Michael Hamburger
Enter Michael Hamburger, officially named partner and COO Nov 1st 2012. Michael Hamburger has an impressive record as an internationally recognized network marketing and direct sales industry trainer. Since early 1998, Michael Hamburger has assisted thousands of people from across the globe to create a life of abundance and prosperity. His straightforward approach to business and coaching others to success has earned him a reputation as a top industry leader. Michael Hamburger recently stepped out of his coveted position as senior vice president of marketing at Wealth Masters International (one of the more successful top-tier direct sales companies) to become an integral member of the Avant home business opportunity. Michael Hamburger's record speaks for itself and his decision to join Avant speaks volumes.
What about the Avant home business community?
Aside from the leadership provided by Brent Payne and Michael Hamburger, the Avant community itself is built up of a strong synergy of successful, like-minded entrepreneurs. The Avant community is a mastermind group of home business entrepreneurs working together in sympathy and harmony to bring success to each and every individual member. If the power of association holds any weight for you, you may consider the associations within this community to be worth their weight in gold. It's this powerful community that helps to set the Avant home business apart from the rest and create an incredible environment of success for all involved.
What are the Avant products?
The Avant home business opportunity is committed to producing high-end products with high-end commissions. It should be noted that anyone can bootstrap their business and work their way up from ground level if no other options are available. This bootstrap approach is in fact responsible for most all the worlds self-made multi-millionaires. Wherever you begin, the Avant home business can help take you to the next level of success as you build your dream life.
The Elevate Life Achievement Course is the Avant home business flagship product. It is an enlightening 72 day home-based program designed to spark awareness and assist you in developing a more meaningful and successful life. The focus on the Elevate program is to help you to tap into your higher potential for personal growth in all areas of your life. It involves an intensive experience into today's leading-edge personal development and goal achievement techniques, giving you a wealth of resources for achieving massive success. Elevate combines the latest discoveries of neuroscience and quantum physics to give you a step-by-step program for life achievement from the inside out. There is no other program available today that puts everything together in this unique way to help you create the life of your dreams. Included is a CD/DVD set, a study guide, a work-book, coaching calls and an online curriculum.
The Avant Elevate product retails for $1,695.00 returning a profit of $1000.00 to the selling advisor with each new sale.
The Transform 3-Day Live Event - The next in Avant home business product line is the Transform event. Transform includes a ticket for two at a 3 day conference held every few months in an exotic global luxury location. This is a community building event with world-class speakers, hands-on activities and exciting presentations. The Avant transform event takes everything from the Elevate product to the next level by assisting in your transformation and continuing to raise your game and the results you see manifest in your life.
The Transform event for-two retails for $9,495.00 returning a $5,000.00 commission to the selling advisor. This is a small price to pay for the benefits of a lifetime.
The Transcend 5-Day Live Event - Third in the line of Avant's three-tiered product line, Transcend is 5 days of peak life experiences for two. This is an unprecedented opportunity to transcend your life in an exquisite luxury resort setting with world class motivational presentations. It includes workshops, groundbreaking participation in scientific studies, physical, mental and emotional challenges, new friendships and breakout study group sessions. Designed to build on the foundational work in Elevate and Transform, the Transcend event completes the circle of personal empowerment to inspire you to create positive change on your own journey of infinite possibility. The event culminates in a black tie celebration dinner. This package for two includes on-site expenses including hotel accommodations and meals.
The Transcend event retails for $16,495.00 returning a $10,000.00 commission to the selling advisor.
How does the Avant home business compensation plan work?
Avant is not an MLM, the Avant home business is firmly grounded as a top-tier program in the direct sales industry. Otherwise known as a GPT or (Get Paid Today) network marketing business model. Top-tier programs have a higher start-up cost than MLM opportunities but are still a fraction of the cost of setting up a traditional brick and mortar business. Typical MLM network marketing opportunities require that you to recruit tens to hundreds of people to earn one thousand dollars while in a top-tier business, you earn one thousand dollars from just one new business partner. The top-tier business model allows someone the ability to begin earning a six-figure income within months instead of years.
Many top-tier programs of the past have lacked the eventual residual income of MLM but all that has changed with the new compensation plan developed by Brent Payne within the Avant home business opportunity. He has essentially combined the best of both MLM and top-tier business models to develop the Avant home business comp plan. Not only can you earn huge monthly commissions on your own sales, you will also be earning a residual income four levels deep on your team sales.
This type of compensation plan has been proven for over 20 years and is similar to that which has been used in the insurance, mortgage and real estate industries. Leaders who recruit and train new business partners receive a commission from the sales made by their associates while the largest commission goes directly to the associate who made the sale. This structure allows a healthy stream of residual income as you grow your team while rewarding you handsomely for your own efforts.
I have personally spoken with many of the top network marketers in the industry to learn what they were doing to achieve the success they had. I found that the majority of the top earners in network marketing were involved in top-tier direct sales programs rather than MLM. After looking into the Avant home business opportunity and the people involved, I quickly found it to be the best of every business model I have ever seen.
What is the actual cost of getting started in my very own Avant home business?
To become an associate of Avant, all that's needed is a monthly membership fee of $29.95. The membership includes a connection to the mastermind community and weekly recorded calls along with a beautiful back office that will help you simplify and organize your daily actions to keep you on track while building your own successful Avant home business.
You will want to add an Avant home business marketing subscription to that for an additional $29.99 per month which includes a leading-edge marketing platform. This presently includes seven powerful landing pages with five that you can easily customize to help brand yourself. A whole host of awesome marketing and training resources are included along with a ton of beautiful ready-to-use banner ads, an article submission service and training webinars. Included is a lead management system to help keep track of all your contacts and appointments as well as dozens of high quality pre-written customizable emails to assist in the follow-up process while you are out making money.
How do I begin making money with the Avant home business compensation plan?
There are two ways to get yourself set up into a money-making position with your new Avant home business. The first way is to make a one-time purchase of any in the line of Avant products. This purchase qualifies you for the first of three training sales needed to become a distributor. Your first sale is then considered your second training sale which is passed up to your advisor using a 1-up type format. The last remaining training sale is simply handed to you from your advisor or your advisors team. You are now qualified to make $1k, $5k, or $10k profits depending on which product line you have become a qualified distributor for. There is no monthly auto-ship or monthly business volume quotas to worry about either, with the Avant home business once you become a qualified distributor you are qualified for life.
The second way to begin making money with your new Avant home business is to personally pass up all three training sales to your advisor at which point you become qualified to make full commissions. This can be accomplished fairly quickly when there is no other option for financing and allows anyone to come in at ground level to begin building a lucrative income. This clearly places the importance on the actual product and the benefits brought to those that become a product of the product.
It is a known industry standard that around 30% of all qualified Elevate distributors step up to Transform and again 30% of them step up to Transcend. This means you will make sales on auto-pilot as your team continues to step up and position themselves at higher levels within the compensation plan. Many of the business-minded members will repurchase event tickets too, (at cost) and continue to attend each and every event as they build their team.
On top of the sexiest, most lucrative compensation plan in the industry, allowing new members to begin earning a five to six-figure monthly income within their first few months, Brent Payne has added a residual override bonus pool component to the mix... Just another way to get more money back into the hands of the Avant home business members. The residual override pays you a percentage of the products sold on your entire team - four levels deep. This translates to $50.00 for each Elevate, $250.00 for each Transform and $500.00 for each Transcend. You can easily see how things can begin to add up quickly as your team grows within your own Avant home business. Commissions on Avant products will be paid directly to you by your new team members and residual override commissions are paid every Friday by direct deposit to your own personal Avant Master Card.
Is there really an Avant home business startup funding option?
Effective January 19th 2012, Avant has announced a new partnership with a private funding agency to assist new members with the start-up costs and help eliminate the barriers to getting started. They have funding available for new members in $5k, $15k, and $30k increments. Early reports indicate an unheard of 66% or higher approval rate for all new applicants. "Lack of funds should not be a barrier when making the decision to change your life." say's Avant founder Brent Payne. "We wanted to find a way to make sure that cost was not preventing people from taking action in joining our business and furthering their personal development. I believe we truly have enabled more people to make a positive difference in the world with this new funding assistance program." For those interested in the Avant home business funding program, this option will be made available to you when you sign up as an associate.
What's all the excitement about the Avant Audi luxury car bonus program?
Effective January 9th 2012, Avant has outdone themselves once again with their innovative luxury car program. This enables qualifying associates the chance to pick up their own Audi luxury car while Avant picks up the bill. Cut and dry, plain and simple, the only stipulations are that your Audi of choice must be either black or white and it must be a model year 2005 or newer. You heard that right, by making only six sales of Avant's Elevate product in a single month, Avant home business associates will qualify for up to $600.00 towards the purchase or lease of an Audi luxury automobile.
Brent Payne tells us "We really wanted to make this an attainable milestone for everyone. Work hard, play hard. In this case, play is a new luxury car. Who doesn't want a new car? This luxury car program only strengthens our members' ability to focus on their goals and find the path to meeting that prize. We want it to be used in a way to reward our associates for their continued hard work." Michael Hamburger continues "Never before has a luxury car program of this caliber been established in a top tier direct selling company. We know this will encourage and inspire our marketers to dream big, set goals, and make them a reality."
Is the Avant home business a scam?
The internet is filled with "get rich quick" schemes and countless SPAM junk mail ads promising quick and easy money. The reality that most of you already know is that there is no such thing as "get rich quick". Those that are the most successful are those that bring the most value to the most people. The Avant home business does this in spades and can be a great opportunity to add value to the world while making a very lucrative income.
You would not expect to get fit and healthy by simply buying a gym membership and you will not make the income you desire with the Avant business opportunity or any other opportunity without taking daily actions to grow your business. You will get out what you put into it and you can easily work your Avant home business as a side project that doesn't interfere with what you're currently doing. All that's required is that you show up each day, plug-in and follow the simple system and with a little persistence you will begin to see results and your results will begin to grow.
As with any business opportunity there are no guarantees but Avant is certainly not a scam and the Avant home business is something you can be proud of, proud enough to tell your friends and family about and get them involved. The Avant business opportunity is not about pushing some juice or vitamin product, it's about changing lives.
Is there any clear evidence to support starting my own Avant home business?
  • Avant is a member in good standing of the Direct Sales Association, the worlds leading trade organization for direct sales companies.
  • Avant has never been investigated or sanctioned by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
  • Avant has never had a substantiated complaint according to the Better Business Bureau (BBB).
  • Avant has never had any actions taken by a State Attorney General, nor is there any pending investigations.
  • Avant is presently operating in 37 countries and counting.
  • Avant is well positioned in front of the $20 Billion personal development industry.
  • There is nothing out there but five-star reviews on Avant anywhere you look.
  • After my own investigative research on the Avant home business opportunity, I have personally concluded that Avant is the very best home based business opportunity available today.
Is the Avant home business opportunity right for me?
Making the decision to start your own Avant home business is not for everyone, rather it is for serious entrepreneurs that can see the power of the top-tier direct sales business model and desire to build a legitimate home business and a multiple six-figure income. Let's be real here, along with the freedom, it takes a certain amount of self motivation and persistence to become a successful home business entrepreneur. Those that are not committed to their business or don't think they are up for building a lucrative income producing asset from the comfort of home may be better suited to the lifestyle of an employee. If you think you're up for the challenge of building a successful home business, We Are Avant may be just what you're looking for.
The Avant home business opportunity is essentially a very simple business plan. You place an ad and tell your friends about the Avant business opportunity, follow-up with people that requested more information and get them to a business presentation webinar, then you collect a decision. There is no experience necessary to be successful with Avant, there is no overhead and nothing is needed but a cell phone and a computer.
Why should I choose to start my own Avant home business?
There is one thing that nearly all of the worlds most successful entrepreneurs and self-made multi-millionaires have in common; they all uphold mindset and personal development to be the ultimate key to success. No matter where you're starting from, no matter what industry you're in, who you are or what you are trying to accomplish, your mindset will determine your success or failure. Whether you choose to embrace the powerful products or join in the Avant home business opportunity, Avant has something to offer anyone seeking to improve and transform their life to that of success, true freedom and no limits.
It is the personal development aspect within the Avant products that makes this particular business so uniquely powerful. It is in fact, the products within the Avant home business opportunity, that accounts for the success of the members. Avant states that they are seeing an unmatched duplication within the community and over 300% growth. How would you like to provide powerful, life changing products while you assist your team to success and transformation in all areas of their life? How would you like to get paid while you transform your own life and contribute to the success and wealth in others? Not only is this a viable business opportunity, but it is also a fulfilling long-term career.
A summary of the Avant home business opportunity...
I have given you a wealth of information here on the Avant home business, covering every aspect of this opportunity in fair and open way. I firmly believe the Avant home business opportunity to be unrivaled in it's potential to create true lasting success for all involved and that it is in your best interest to become a part of this rapidly expanding company.
Avant is about more than amazing products, an incredible community and a very lucrative and legitimate home business opportunity, Avant is about changing lives. That's why I have chosen to become a member of Avant myself and to call Avant home. If you're ready to take charge of your life and achieve the freedom and success you deserve, come join us, timing has never been better and the future looks bright.
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