Monday, April 30, 2012

Difference Between Hygienic and Obsessive Compulsiveness

There is a difference between a person that is very hygienic and a person that already has some problem called an Obsessive Compulsive. Although, it is really tough to tell them apart, there are certain signs that you could consider before concluded that you, your friend or your family member is an OCD or just plain clean.

It is like a luxury these days to be super clean. In fact, it is very cool to be a hygienic person. If you are a woman, men will like you better because of your clean nails, hair and surroundings. It will give him an impression that you can be trusted and that you are responsible because of the nature of your surroundings. If you are a man, women will like you because you are not a typical man.

It is a normal fallacy that men are usually untidier than women, although sometimes it is the other way around. If you are a man with a very clean area, clean nails, clean clothes and hair, chances are you will get the girl of your dreams right away? Women are attracted to cleaner men than they are too ragged men.

You could say that the person is just simply hygienic if he doesn't make a fuzz about bacterial elements at all times. The hygienic person just sees to it that what he eats will not harm his stomach and that his surroundings are well organized and dust free. Close to the obsessive compulsive right? But the OCD is different in such a way that he is compelled to clean at all times. The OCD doesn\'t stop clean one specific item until he is certain that it is bacteria free.

The OCD is anti-social while the hygienic person socializes with friends and things about cleaning later. Both find it difficult to sleep without cleaning themselves, the sheets and everything else in the room but the OCD will probably change sheets after two days or so. He will also wet his hair always and put some shampoo on it while the hygienic person would rather not.

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