Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tips To Help You Get A Job

Try to stay at your jobs for as long as possible as this will look better on your CV. Employers may be discouraged from employing somebody who move from job to job quickly. The main reason id it can be expensive to recruit new people. If your CV does look like you have changed jobs frequently over the last few years then you might want to talk through the reasons at any interviews. 

Make a long list of work related achievements you intend on accomplishing, the interviewer will be impressed by your motivation and drive. Consider what career goals might impress the employer and realistically match the role you have applied for. Some key skills to consider are; becoming good at public speaking, possessing good project management skills or completing lots of courses in your profession. 

Another good way to get your foot in the door is to cold call. Find out the name of the person who deals with the HR for a company you are interested in and pick up the phone. Ask questions about what sort of qualifications the company appreciate and ask if you can forward your CV on to them. 

Changing your attitude can do wonders when looking for a job. There's a big difference between needing a job and wanting a job, this can usually be picked up on by interviewers. Making a good first impression is essential but you will have to demonstrate how you will be able to help and improve the business. 

Above all make sure that you are fitting the job to your skills rather than trying to adjust yourself into fitting into the role you are applying for. Often people make the mistake of trying too hard to mould themselves into a job they are not suited to. If you are unsure then you will need to create a list of the skills you do possess and compare it against the skills that the job description states.

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