Tuesday, May 29, 2012

"Fast Food Restaurants and Churches - What They Have in Common"

"Fast Food Restaurants and Churches - What They Have in Common"," McDonald's was the first major chain, and it stood unchallenged for many years providing inexpensive fast food and an entertainment experience. Although the fast food restaurant is a product of modern culture, it has remarkable similarities to church. Today, churches and fast food restaurants have an easily recognizable physical structure and a set of consistent routines and procedures. Churches are easily recognized by their outward appearance: some are very ornate stone with spires, bells and stain glassed windows, while others have a simpler or conservative construction. Even a child can spot the 'Golden Arches' of a McDonald's from a distance. Each restaurant has an individual style, but they are all colourful, stylish buildings with bright, large windows. There are standard decorating and furniture by franchise or denomination. In a Catholic Church there will be wooden pews in rows, whereas in a Brethren Church there will be modern cushioned chairs, placed in an arrangement of sections and rows. Inside or out, fast food restaurants and churches are easily recognized by their physical appearance. When going to a church service, you are greeted by an usher; likewise, when going to a fast food restaurant you are greeted by a server. During both social experiences, you will consume food and drink. One feeds the body, while the other feeds the soul. For example, all church services involve singing, preaching, offering, and praying, but the order and style will vary by denomination. Then announcements, special music, and scripture reading before the sermon. Closing prayer and/or hymn. Attending a Catholic Mass will be different from a Baptist service, but it will be equally predictable each week. , on the way, eating, and cleaning up your own mess. No matter what McDonald's you visit the experience will be the same. You could be dropped into a church or fast food restaurant blindfolded, and it's absolutely certain that you'll know what's expected of you when the blindfold is removed! Finally, both churches and fast food restaurants teach values through their respective institutions. ""For the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness,,,. There are also many parables that teach about making right decisions. Fast food restaurants teach values, although it is done more implicitly. The words ""Thank You"" on the garbage receptacles are an encouragement to dispose of your waste instead of leaving it on the table. Dairy Queen has trademarked the slogan, ""We treat you right. "" These are feel good, positive statements that encourage the consumer to respond in kind. Churches collect money through collections to offer programs to the people in their community, while fast food restaurants provide change receptacles at the cash where you can donate to various charities. Although there are many striking similarities between churches and fast food restaurants, there are also differences. It's very convenient to eat dinner quickly, inexpensively, and without the work of preparing it. As well, going to church is meant to meet a spiritual need, while going to a fast food restaurant is meant to meet a physical need. Attending church helps people maintain a balanced life, while going to fast food restaurants merely provides an unhealthy meal, which contributes to an unbalanced diet. You can willingly give a donation or politely decline during offering, but at any fast food chain you will not be given food unless you pay. The restaurant owner offers this food and service to make a living; whereas, the minister or priest is collecting money to use for the physical or spiritual service of others. I have presented this comparison to a variety of different people over the last few years. The main reason for their persistent protesting was that they thought it was heresy to make this comparison - between the modern, pagan fast food establishments and rituals and the long-standing Christian churches whose establishment and rituals' purpose is to reunite the human race with God. Overall, there is a sense of strangeness in the similarities that exist between fast food restaurants and churches. Whether they are active, religious church goers or not, they cannot help but be implicitly affected by this pervasive institution. . 

fast food, church

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