What exactly is Success to You?
In my fifteen years of experience in coaching my clients to maximize their success, I have invented powerful ideas to assist you accelerate your progress. The first of these is for you to get clear on exactly what "success" means to you. I can't inform you how many agents I have worked with who have a universal idea that they want to be victorious but they do not actually know where they want to be professionally in a year from now.
Ideal Business Visualization
Usually I help my clients get clear by giving them a "Perfect Business Visualization". I ask them to imagine themselves doing work they love, the number of hours they would like to do it, who they want to be interacting with and the level of income they'd like to be making.
This takes the mystery out of "success" and they become crystal clear on how they would know if they were successful. I ask them to write down their preferred income and the number hours per week that they are willing to work. Then I ask them "how committed are you to reaching your goals". The ones that answer 100% are the ones who have a 100% chance of attaining what they want. COMMITMENT is the decisive factor. What is your commitment level?
What do you want to reveal in 12 months?
I also ask my clients what they would like to manifest in their personal lives in a year from now. They typically take a good look at the area of relationships, fun and hobby and their own sense overall health and well-being. It becomes apparent then that balance between personal and professional lives is crucial for a successful long term profession in real estate. For example, no one wants to become wildly booming at the expense of their marriage and family.
The main obstacle to getting success is how you reflect of yourself. If you spend your day placing yourself down, then you'll never go forward. Be conscious of how you talk and think about yourself and when it turns negative, stop yourself and think. There is always something to be glad about and you, loving yourself is certainly worth celebrating.
Through quality of vision, believing in yourself and a promise to taking the actions to achieve your goals, there is not much that can obstruct you.

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