"Equal Rights - Up In Smoke?"," Why? As a woman, I prefer being special rather than equal. Dates presume women will send them flowers. one box for me and one box for my husband. ""Get Your Own Box"". Well, ladies, you've ruined everything. This is in addition to keeping the house clean, grocery shopping, and preparing healthy meals. The idea was for both spouses to work outside the home and then come home and share household chores and child-rearing responsibilities. Having been born in the early 40's and raised in the 50's and 60's, women of my generation were expected to stay home, raise a family, keep the house clean, and have a well-balanced meal prepared three times a day. That would be fine except most men of my generation think their only responsibility is to contribute financially to the household. They are unable to find a bottle of ketchup in the refrigerator if it isn't eye-level. well most of them anyway. However, there is a trade-off. There's a laugh for you (unless you're a man). I have a friend who is a successful attorney making a six-figure income. Instead of working, he played golf and basked in the sun, after a ""strenuous"" day on the links, enjoying his new life. She now has to pay him alimony while he continues to fancy his recently acquired lifestyle. Who needs that responsibility? Who wants to be equal to men? As cute and adorable as some of them may be, women are definitely above standard male issue. Why lower yourselves ladies? You did that back in the 60's when you burned your double-barreled slingshots. All rights reserved. HERE IT IS ALL IN ONE NUT SHEL

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