"Maximizing Your Computer Potential"," This has become a major concern and problem in the world today.
Many people don't appreciate and value their talents or gifts.
Others have been deceived by the environments where in they grew up to believe that such talents don't work here and hence can not work any where else.
That's why it necessary for you to maximize your computer potential in order to be successful in this fast growing computer world where many things depend on computers to be done.
J Musong from Numan in Adamawa State of Nigeria.
Some missionaries from Denmark came to Nigeria on a missionary journey and landed in Numan.
These missionaries who had never seen such a passionate unique form of traditional and contemporary blended dance style were excellently thrilled by the performance.
J Musong and his team to Denmark and together they left for Denmark as they finished their missionary assignment.
He returned with enough possessions and money that sponsored his first music album.
That is the same thing your own talents and God-given potentials or gifts can do for you.
To do that, you need to understand and use the following principles:
Discover who you are.
Self discovery is the first answer to the question of how anyone can maximize their potential.
J Musong discovered dancing and started doing it, you are sure of greatness in life.
You must know if computer is really your field of interest or you will be wasting your time.
If you discover who you are then develop the who you are.
Improvement is the largest room in the world of development.
You must develop yourself through better exercises that are sure of taking you to a greater level of computer knowledge.
Work hard.
Hard work is not physical exertion of strength in hard labour.
When you set goals and go all out to realize them as desired, you are really a hard worker.
Finally: Use the power of synergy.
In the multitude of counselors the Bible says there is safety.
You don't have the strength to achieve in one hour what ten people put together can achieve and that is exactly what you stand to lost whenever you decide to do things in a solo way.
Allow others the room to teach you their own principles of how to set goals and achieve them.

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