"Religion And Human Potential Will Knock Your Socks Off",
When I refer to religion, I specifically have in mind the great wisdom teachers that are referred to by Huston Smith in his book, The World's Religions.
I agree with the internationally celebrated author and Buddhist Priest, Thick Nhat Hanh, ""No single tradition monopolizes the truth.
If we do, peace will have a chance.
Here I ran into the Japanese population.
I found the Japanese people to be very honorable and friendly.
I decided right then and there, that if these people were misguided and wrong in their religious practices, and going to hell, then I wanted no part of the Christian orthodoxy.
Who is Joel Osteen? He is one of the most successful young pastors in America.
His church is located in Houston, Texas.
I think this guy is great.
Yes, he comes right out with it.
No question about it.
He televises his ministry on Sunday mornings.
Again, I ask the question, does religion have a place in today's human potential movements? My answer, is a definite yes.
My parents brought me up in a great Christian environment.
Specifically, whether religion is a positive or negative force.
I believe religion can be a dynamic positive force of nature, if handled wisely.
I am referring to all traditional religions, not just Christianity!
Religion's explosive potential is based in the nature of faith and belief.
The positive effects belief has on health is indisputable.
For one thing, they are a more positive group to be around.
Most people will agree, that the general self-confidence level of many people is not too high.
I have seen people perform seemingly miraculous feats, while under the influence of a positive expectancy.
How can one get comfort and strength from an impersonal God belief system? Simple.
I have observed my Confucian/Buddhist fellow martial artists perform extraordinary feats under tremendous dire circumstances with beautiful perfection and artistry.
After I got into martial arts, I enjoyed the quiet confidence that this practice instills into its participants.
It has transformed many youths into positive constructive people.
Interesting enough, a positive force of religion compatible with meeting 21st century needs I feel has a similar positive effect on a religious participant.
In another words, you have a form of positive self-control that helps you interact with other people.
There is little doubt in my mind, that successful religious leaders of the 21st Century will be jumping on board the explosive human potential movement.
People hunger for answers and solutions to their stressed lived lives.
And, why not? Most of us are closer to the Great Unknown then to youthful vitality and invincibility.
Yes, we have experienced a few "close calls".
I believe there are many wonderful current programs out there, that offer invaluable insights into human behavior and potential.

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