"Why Buy Stock House Plans Vs Custom?","
After these initial questions have been successfully answered, the next item that must be addressed is that of house plans.
Custom Houseplans
Custom house plans are just as the name implies.
The plans are normally drawn by a licensed building designer or, in some cases, a licensed architect in a geographic location close to where the home will be built.
Many times these type ""special"" requests can present significant challenges to the designer of the home, which as a result, may take additional time to resolve.
However, in some cases, the custom house plan may be the only viable option based on the client's needs, home location, special building considerations, etc.
- Significantly more costly than stock houseplans
- Longer, more arduous process to develop
- Significantly more time consuming to produce (i.
many meetings necessary with designer over several month period)
Stock Houseplans Stock house plans are, by contrast, home designs which have been developed to fit the needs of a particular group of the general populace.
Stock homeplans normally include the ""most requested"" features including square footage, room dimensions, floorplan layout, amenities, and other like features.
When you buy a stock house plan, you're not paying for the countless hours spent drawing up a plan, re-working the plan, and finalizing drafts.
- Significantly less expensive
- Minor plan modifications can usually be made by the original designer or a local designer for a minimal charge.
com offers a huge selection of unique house plans in many different architectural styles.
With so many plans available to choose from, it's a safe bet that you won't see your house plan replicated in your area.
com can be modified to your specifications.
Both types will provide you with the information that you need to successfully build your dream home.

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