"New Zealand Tourist Attractions and Adventure Activities - The Ultimate Holiday Destination"," Long and narrow, we have endless kilometres of coastline, with beaches of all kinds - long and sandy, picturesque bays over hung with our gorgeous silver green ,red flowering pohutakawas, and the stony South Island West Coast beaches, just perfect for rock hounds.
The many rushing rivers carve their way through the hills, and magnificent mountains .
Water sports of every kind, from the most exhilarating adrenaline pumping extreme sports, to the more sedate such as swimming with dolphins, whale watching or fishing.
Our mountains offer a different selection of equally nerve wracking options, along with the more usual but popular snow boarding and skiing.
Being exposed, we have our fair share of wind! While the views for air sports are magnificent.
Our bush is unique to New Zealand, with lush, green sub tropical growth -ferns, tree ferns, and a huge range of trees native to New Zealand, many over a thousand years old.
These great spreading trees form a canopy, in our many tiered bush.
The most famous is the Milford Track, with several other well known tramps ( the New Zealand term for hiking) in the same area -Greenstone, Routeburn, and in the northern part of the South Island the Heaphy Track.
This 17 kilometre trek is in Lord of the Rings territory or Mt Doom!
Personally, I would not have said New Zealand was a natural for sports such as cycling.
There are many wonderful mountain biking locations.
Our beautifully situated golf courses attract golfers from around the world.
The rich and famous find they can escape into the wilderness, here Down Under and often slip in and out quietly, for a break from their high profile lives.
The traditional Maori culture and lifestyle, is a unique experience.
Rotorua, with its thermal geysers, mud pools and fascinating scenery, is the best single town to embrace all things Maori.
Our historic centre is found at Waitangi in Northland.
New Zealand history being relatively new.
New Zealander's are creative and innovative people.
But we do many things a little differently.
Te Papa in Wellington is the official National Museum.
Maritime museums, kauri museums, technology museums, car museums - they are many, and varied, featuring different aspects of New Zealand history.
Ranging from tropical gardens in the north to cooler climate gardens with glorious spring flowers, there is real variety.
In spring and summer there are many annual garden tours.
We are fortunate , with such a variable climate and soils, to have many wine areas, each tending to specialise in varieties best suited to the area.
Many New Zealand wineries also have excellent restaurants.
Not only are there the more traditional concert venues, but many outdoor concerts are held in vineyards, parks, and gardens.
If you are here at the right time you may enjoy a great New Zealand musical event.
000 people attend.
With scenery to thrill and excite the senses, photographers and artists have a never ending array of ever changing subjects to inspire as they record their New Zealand holiday.
It really is the ultimate holiday destination!
You will be able to read more detailed information on the many and varied activities activities that you can experience in New Zealand at http://www.

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