Maybe You're Part of a rebellion?
Are you familiar with the way of Paul? Members of today's denominational churches usually are not and if they were they probably would not stay there!
The apostle Paul is our apostle today according to this dispensation in this age of grace. Are you following him?
Paul's message is different from the "four gospels" Paul has been given a new and distinct ministry and commission - apart from Israel and her 12 apostles!
It is a fact that Israel and her ministry was on the way out as God purposed. In the Old Testament Israel chose Saul as king over God the father and so rejected Him (Strike one). Israel then refused the king and the kingdom rejected God the son and crucified Him (strike two). Then by the stoning of Stephen according to Acts, Israel rejected God the Holy Spirit (strike three). In so doing the consequences were that Israel was set aside by God according to His eternal plan and purpose.
God's kingdom on earth referrers to the plan God has for the Jews. But they have been set aside for now along with their program. One day they will be God's people again and will carry his message again. But not in this current day. Today in the dispensation of the grace of God not the kingdom message, Paul is our apostle and pattern. I didn't say that - God said that!
You can blame the bible as being corrupt, and the KJV is not. Or accept the fact that something different and new happens when Paul comes to light.
The two dispensations have been mixed together by blind religious orthodoxy, but the true bible believers and users will understand "rightly dividing" the word of truth!
The risen Jesus Christ gave Paul this revelation. For all of us today to follow Christ we must also follow Paul.
Today rebellion and resistance is widely observed when it comes to Paul's Apostleship and that is not found in the Word of God rightly divided. Spiritual blindness can come over anyone that has been deceived. Religions have been formed and cultivated through the god of this worlds deceptions creating a thick fog that hangs over the truth. A resource on all aspects of God's Word has been prepared, these rightly divided online bible studies are the two edged sword that cuts through the fog of deception. 2timothy 2:15

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