"Personal Web Pages - Instant Web Hosting Solutions"," An email address and a name are all that is required to have your very own online presence on one of the most talked about sites on the net since Google.
You'll also have your own blog, photos page, inbox, calendar, address book and various other MySpace bells and whistles.
Squidoo - This site is like a personal home page builder buffet that allows you to cook up your own web page by adding all sorts of instant 'modules'.
This means that you can actually
make money online with this personal web page (I kid you not) and it won't cost you a plug nickel.
nudge, nudge, wink, wink) and more.
But once you get the hang of it and realize the possibilities, it has the potential to become a real addiction.
This is the quintessential free-web-hosting-for-dummies service that is still around and will baby-step you through the entire process of building not just a single web page but an entire website.
You also get free web statistics to keep track of the throngs of visitors (you hope) beating a virtual path to your site.
So if you ever gave some thought to having a personal web page, I urge you to dive right in and give one of the above a try.

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