The do nothing congress needs to get off there fat butts and start getting this country working again. The Republican seem to be holding up progress and blaming it on the Democrats. The Republicans seem to want to take from the poor and make the rich richer. They are already getting tax cuts to create jobs, Where are the jobs ? That plan is not working so let's take the tax cut back and apply it to better things. The do nothing congress needs to step down and let someone with some kind of no how and savy get the job they are suppose to be doing done. Its sickening to see a country go under because of a presidential race. What happen to honesty and honor that our leaders once had It seems to have slipped away and keeps getting worse with each election, I think it should be extended to eight years instead of four to give who ever wins a chance to turn things around four years is just not long enough to get anything accomplished. Especially as slow as the do nothing congress is nowadays.

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