"How to Move Into the Right Relationship"," Do any of us really expect the heart to be rational? Yet it is, ultimately rational, logical and scientifically correct in how it chooses who it loves. On the other hand, the mind can really muck up the heart's plans, with devastating results. When we have reached that space of being precisely aware of what is ""me or not me"", then only can we be ready to discern what is best for us. stop and ask yourself: is this mine? If you know exactly what you are afraid, anxious or angry about, it is probably yours and may have been caused by someone involved in the process who is thinking about you. Once you are adept at being able to tell what is or isn't yours, you are ready to use the heart to lead you correctly. Kick your mind and the attendant Ego out of the way for a few minutes and center yourself in your heart. If there is any dread or anxiety with it, the answer is no. Your body has an agenda that your heart and your head would be terrified with, so sexual attraction is not the best determinant of good choice. The mind might think that lots of money is better than not, but believe me, that is a horrible way to discern best interest. The heart is our connection with the Inner Knowing. You don't have to understand this to use these techniques; you will understand when it's the right time. as in, Highest Self standing over to help. Sometimes we have to go through some heart-wrenching experiences in order to develop compassion, tolerance, honesty, etc. Learn the lesson and get on with it-the faster you do so, the sooner you reach that relationship you have been yearning for. Listen to your heart; it will never lead you wrong. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved . HERE IT IS ALL IN ONE NUT SHELL

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