"Save Money Living at Home"," I valued the comforts I had by living at home, but I also wanted to experience my freedom and a life out from under my parents' wing.
However, when I consulted others who had made the choice to move out rather than remain at home with their parents, their advice was to remain at home as long as feasibly possible.
The job market was tough and competitive, and the cost of living was just too high to get my own apartment; I then made the decision to remain at home with my parents because it was the most obvious and sensible choice.
I had no appreciation for money and I was spending it on absurd novelties faster than I was earning it.
My college degree opened the door to university for me.
I lived in a shared living space while studying for three years.
The cost of living, however, prevented me from being able to save any of my salary.
We had no idea how we could ever possibly afford it.
I think that living at home used to have such a negative stigma attached to it but times have now changed.
The general cost of living has also gone up and it is for these reasons that it is becoming socially acceptable to move back in with your parents.
This presents an even more involved set of factors to think about.
Perhaps you find yourself in a similar situation, and you are trying to figure out how to make it work out for everyone involved.
Define Clear Expectations
Discuss with your parents what will be expected from you in the way of chores.
Discuss whether or not you can have friends over for dinner or to spend the night.
For example, if you plan to spend the night out, should you be obligated to call home first? Knowing everyone's expectations up front will make the entire experience much more pleasant for everyone involved.
A later departure date can always be negotiated if it should become necessary.
Charge Rent
For some families it would be unheard of to expect their children to pay rent but that doesn't mean you shouldn't offer.
A well defined set of rules will make it easier for everyone.
You need to consider your parents' lifestyle and give them their space when they need it.
Make sure that you clean up after yourself and help out as often as you can.
The situation allows parents to earn extra money to help them with expenses like utilities and groceries, and our rent comes out to half of what we'd have spent living on our own.

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