Subliminal messages, what are they? By definition, "sub" means below and "luminal" is referred to as the "threshold" of conscious awareness. They are messages delivered to the subconscious mind to develop motivating attitudes and habits. Your self-improvement and personal growth, developed from within, will not fail you, it builds positive affirmations.
Let us first understand how our perception works. As you know, our mind consists of two interacting parts: conscious and subconscious. The subconscious part of mind operates below the level of conscious awareness; it controls reflexes, automatic functions and handles the processing and stores incoming information. Subliminal messages are received or picked up by the subconscious mind, bypassing the conscious mind, but they are still recognized by the mind and they are often called the "little small voices" we hear.
Subliminal messages are messages delivered to the subconscious mind to develop motivating attitudes and habits. Your self-improvement and personal growth, developed from within, will not fail you, it builds positive affirmations. By definition, "sub" means below and "luminal" is referred to as the "threshold" of conscious awareness.
The purpose of subliminal messages is to deliberate communication whereby you receive and respond to information and instructions without being aware of it. These messages are in the form of printed words, pictures or voices presented which either very rapidly or very obscurely bypass your conscious awareness. Anything programmed subliminally to your sub-consciousness meets no resistance. This subliminal information will be stored in your brain and is capable of influencing your judgment, behavior and attitudes. Anything consciously professed can be evaluated, criticized, discussed, argued, and possibly rejected by your own brain.
During the Asian financial crisis in 1997, subliminal messages popularity increased due to hundreds of thousands of people who were affected in the crisis looked who turned to self-help improvement programs to cope up with the stress. It was the time when people were looking inward rather than outside.
Today, there are a proliferation of self - help improvement audio video Cd's, mp3's in the market purposely made to deliver subliminal messages. Under the sounds of nature, ocean waves, winds, raindrops and easy-listening music, lays the subliminal messages with verbal affirmations (a word or a phrase) recorded at very low levels. These messages help the listener to achieve financial success, overcome emotional setbacks, relieving stress at work, etc. or other self-help needs. Of course, the key to a successful subliminal messaging program is repetition.
The key to a successful subliminal messaging program is repetition. The more you listen to it, the more effective it becomes. Changes don't happen in an instant. Repetition is how the conscious mind learns and adapts.

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