"Over Regulation is the Real Cause of the Trade Deficit and Money Flow Issues"
"Over Regulation is the Real Cause of the Trade Deficit and Money Flow Issues"," In reality, we should be blaming ourselves. Of course, the over regulation is compounded by politicians, labor unions, and global competition. If our businesses are inefficient and overburdened with excess regulation this prevents them from performing at optimum. They cannot sell their corporate bonds for as much, and they have trouble attracting money in capital markets. This is not to say that we do not need adequate regulations in place, rather that we go about our regulating incorrectly. Each time you make an additional rule you risk the challenges with the law of unintended consequences, and place too much restriction on maneuvering room for companies and corporations to remain agile in the market place. If we want America to soar again, we need to form a ""red magic marker committee"" and reduce the regulations that are either not necessary, too restrictive, or serve no real beneficial purpose.
check it out here

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