"Planning Outdoor Garden Lighting"," It can turn a darkened backyard into an entertainment area or place to unwind after a long day. Planning outdoor lighting requires taking into account many factors, such as what types of activities might occur outside after dark or how close the nearest neighbors are and how they will react to a brightly lit yard. Consider Christmas and those neighbors who tend to go overboard. The first thing to remember when planning outdoor garden lighting designs is that there are many different watt light bulbs. Outdoor lighting is not meant to turn the darkness into daylight, rather it is mean to enhance the atmosphere and add enough light to maneuver and enjoy company. Another important aspect in planning outdoor lighting is determining where people will gather. Typically, down lighting is used in outdoor garden lighting plans. Recessed lighting around the seating area or uplighting located in nearby shrubbery is other options. Large lawns often have areas that are extremely dark when the sun goes down. Path lighting for walking is another security aspect that should not be overlooked. In the end, the lighting plan will be the beacon that brings friends together on warm summer nights. WHAT'S UP

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